Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tomorrow is the day..

Tomorrow is the day something is going to happen, some how some way, Scotty 's arm is going to be fixed..And I only say this because it will all happen tomorrow at our 2nd opinion visit at Children's' Hospital in Plano. After his initial appointment yesterday, my gut screamed...2nd opinion..So I put out an e-mail asking if anyone could refer an ortho for kids or someone they have personally dealt with...

I got a call from a mom in Scotty's class, who is a nurse, her name is Angie. She and I have e-mailed and had phone conversations, since school started..and we co-room mom the class, bringing Friday snacks and so on..although we have never met..she is a super sweet mom, and asked me to call her friend Rhonda, whose husband is high up at the Children's in Plano...I called.

It turns out she is someone I have actually met and seen around a number of times, her son is in Scotty's class, and she was going to help matter what...

This is only one of the times I have been amazed by the want to help in Texas...the truly sweet people that go out of their way to help you, and they really do not have too....It is amazing and heart touching at all the same time.Thank You to God for bringing our family here..

We discussed what happened, she made a phone call and called me back with the name of someone in charge that could set up the appointment to see Scotty. So today I spoke to that person and whatever the doctor recommends will be done could be as simple as resetting the cast with a mild sedation or resetting his arm in the hospital with full sedation...but they will do it tomorrow.

To the people who have reached out to me and offered kind words, help and just a listening praying ear...I am VERY thankful to you and please know how you have made this accident a bit more bearable...I am grateful to live in a place where people mean something..someone elses' worries and hurts mean something...and THANK YOU!! Thank you for the new friendships here, the encouraging words from my best friend at home, it all means A LOT to me...

I will update tomorrow, as Scott will be taking him, as I have to take care of Bella and Brynne...and get them off to school in the morning....Most likely I will go to Plano after I drop off Brynne...

Thank You again,

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