Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Who...Not my Brynne

I took these so sweet pictures of Brynne one afternoon this past week....

She was so tired from a busy day, not feeling that great..and i paid for that! it was about 5:30 in the evening, when she woke up, so let me tell you..by no means was she ready for bed at 9!! She continually came into my room, until close to 11, and then FINALLY stayed in her bed! So note to self...won't do that again!

Mind you the next day, I was cleaning out kids backpacks and going through their school folders, and came across this note from her teacher....

Scott happened to be in the laundry room with me, as I read this aloud...then came my Booey....So I asked her if she went to time out at school...and I tell you.....I am in for it with these 2 girls...Someone HELP ME!!! She looked EXACTLY like Bella, put her arms up and said "nnnnoooo", like duh, like what are you talking about mom...Scott had to turn around, so fast, because he was laughing!! I saw my future in an instant and I was scared!!

So Tuesday morning, when I took her to school, I asked Ms. Cindy what happened...and I guess Brynne is Best Friends, with Kambrynn in her class, Ms. Cindy says they are inseparable, holding hands on the playground, and going to look for the wizard...Well in my daughters eyes, apparently that means Kambrynn can not be friends with anyone else, and no one is allowed to play...There you have it in a nutshell.

I keep telling myself, God only gives you what you can handle, and apparently he thinks I am Super Woman..

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