I am up to my ears in sand filled laundry, my car looks like we have been living out of it for the past week and we had not a shred of food in the house, until yesterday..that pretty much sums up the start of my week, along with baseball practice that started or Scotty last night and horribly windy conditions all day, and did I mention I do not have "wind hair", unless you consider standing straight up in the air attractive, I don't have it!!lol..
So we made our journey to Florida, and we drove my car that went considerably better than I had anticipated! We made it to Destin the first day, and hung out there the next day then drove to West Palm Beach. Destin was BEAUTIFUL!!!! I could have stayed there all week! The sand was amazing soft and white, like sugar...I wished it would have been warmer though, I would definitely vacation there in the summer when it is hotter...So we brought home a bucket of sand...and moved on to West Palm. We got there, and it was a good 7-10 degrees warmer, which was awesome, about 82 -8 the week we were there..buy 10 am we were heading to the pool or beach...I know when we left California, I kept telling myself that weather is not everything, well this girl missed the Sun, and when I got back into it, I realized exactly how much I missed it!!! The kids were in their element..loving any water they could get in to, I think they had sun with drawls as well....And then I wonder why I have gained 15+ lbs.. major sun with drawls and lack of activity!!
One of our main goals, while we were there were to check out the area for a possible move...and I will tell you I am more torn now than before we left....I am praying, and praying asking God to guide me, because this is a decision I don't know if I can make on my own. I know He can and will lead us, either to move or stay right where we are..because honestly, this is the hardest decision of my life!
Reality hit me, when we were out and about, rarely did anyone say please or Thank You or hold the door for you..people just did not seem very friendly, it felt like deja vu..like home. I felt so many feelings, like these were some of the reasons we left California, and here I am considering throwing them back into it?? It felt a little compoundish, if that makes sense..everything in Wellington seemed gated, it seemed very busy...like home....and I don't know if it was the fact that we have been removed from it for a year, being here in Texas, but it felt awkward.
We visited Jupiter, which was way more laid back, I actually saw people outside, pushing their kids in strollers and playing at the park..so we are thinking that maybe more for us. It is about the same distance either way for Scott to go to work..one thing is IT IS EXPENSIVE!!!! like $400k for 2400 sq. ft...that is alot!!!!! So if we chose there, we would be downsizing, and after talking to a realtor, he said that is the sacrifice people make to go there, because of the environment, 10 minutes to the beach and that the schools are great..it is a trade off. There were quite a few communities, no gates..but they were really close together, I guess that is the style there..it would be a definite change for us!!
Needless to say we have a lot of praying and soul searching to do..this is hard, I don't want to leave here and regret it..We have a pretty great life the kids are happy..Sure there are things I don't like or care for, but it is the life we thought we wanted to raise our kids in..now that all feels questionable!! I am very heavy hearted now, more so than before!
But here are pics I took there, the kids LOVED it and dd not want to come home, Bella said, "I wanna live here" and "let's just stay here, I don't wanna go home!"
So all these were taken in Destin..I am going to have to add the other ones later that I took in West Palm, although these are better...
Sweet Booey...the fairest child in all our family!!! She got my skin, pre tanning bed!!
Scotty on the boogie board, he was loving it!!
Sand like Suga' I said if I had unlimited money, I would want Destin sand in my kids sand box/play area!
Being very careful not to spill!
This scared me at first, then Scott said they were dolphins!!
Burying Beetle...
Ol' Sandy Hands herself....
Look at her model smile...so pretty, even if she is mine!!
My best friend, wonderful husband....BESTEST Daddy!
Breaking out of being buried...
YUCK..This is the part i don't care for, like I like sand, but only on my feet, I do not want to be covered in it...but they are kids and they loved every minute of it!!
Now it is Booey's turn....
Sweet little face
Scotty jumping in on the fun...
Her version of a rinse off, um, I don't think that's gonna cut it!!
hence the sand still covering her leg...
Last but not least, Scotty Bear
They team worked this and piled in extra high on him!! Plus he was down in the hole Scott had dug out for Bella and Brynne!
A little extra water to make it nice and heavy, not that that little can was gonna do the trick, but she thought so...
Until tomorrow...Have a wonderful start to your week!
In His Grace,