Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Monday night Bella had her music performance at school..The kids sang and told a story during their presentation..I got front row seating thanks to my gurfren, Honey!! and then saved the same spots for her family, since their program was right after ours...

That would be my child with the book in front of her face...
 Don't mind the red eyes....

We went to our little Mexican food place in town afterwards...I am trying to stay on WW but this isn't easy!! Now summer is closing in, and thankfully we are home for Spring Break, so I don't have to put on a swimsuit just yet! Thankfully!!

But I have spent some time thinking about the "now" and accepting where I am now, and not where I used to be, how I used to look, and so on...It is a tummy thing for me, and honestly I don't want to work that hard to be that skinny! I am in the middle of the road, I want it, but not badly enough!! Ya know? Also I look at me and think this little belly has housed 4 children over the years...I am good! My Oldest is graduating this June, and the baby is going to kindergarten in the fall...whew! Time has gone by so fast!! Too many great things have come and gone and look forward to the future, our life here in Celina and being surrounded by the good friends and families we have, and being very blessed, blessed beyond belief!
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