Monday, August 23, 2010

Another First

Today was the kids first day of school...and it went really well!! The carpool line is less then desirable, but I am sure it was just chaotic due to the first day and so forth..But the kids had a great day, Scotty's teacher (love him already) said he was so great and had great manners, exactly what a mother wants to hear! Bella's was great too..I will be taking them up to their classes all week, then the car pool line for me! They don't mind you walking them up the first week, but after that they are on their own..which is good, they have to get familiar and know where they are going. It was cute, Bella went to Scotty's class, since they are getting picked up together they have them stay together when they are leaving, and both of them told me when Bella was in his class, she was the first one to go to the toy chest/surprise box, whatever they call it, because she was so good....another plus for momma!
Little Booey was a little sad..she asked me about every half hour, all day, if we were going to get Bella yet, or if it was time to get Bella was a little sad...So I feel good about her going to preschool soon, I think she NEEDS it...and after the initial separation, she will probably love it!
I snapped these two pictures, they are not great, but they are what I was able to get, in a hurry this morning..

Tonight was football practice..but since Scott is home, he has that duty..I on the other hand am cooking a real dinner, no cereal or drive thru!! yeah!!
I have been busy crafting a little and sewing, I will be posting a little about that later in the week, and am thinking of doing an Etsy store..something to keep me busy!

Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.
Proverbs 20:11

Hope your off to a great start to the week!

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