Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Scotty

Today Scotty had his arm fixed..meaning they did sedate him at the Clinic at Children's and reset his arm, with a new cast.....He cried, A LOT.

Scott went with him, while I took care of the girls..when I was done dropping off Brynne, I talked with Scott and there was no real reason for me to go there, so I went to do Scotty's birthday shopping, since it is tomorrow...and he has been home all week, I had not had a chance!

So this is just the start of the "signing" of the cast..I am sure there are plenty more to come!!

Again, Thank You so much for all the kind words, and my help out at Children's!! I really appreciate it very much!

Am running Bella out to cheer tonight, the Orange team made it to our Superbowl, undefeated...So Bella said she wanted to cheer with the 2nd grade girls at the final game on Saturday, in Princeton...where ever that is!!

Life doesn't slow down just because you broke an arm...unfortunately!

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